KCE model electromechanical composter with integrated hopper and bin turner

Daily treatment capacity

from 350 to 800 Kg

Annual treatment capacity

from 130 to 300 Tons

All our machines are INDUSTRY 4.0
All our products are present on the MEPA platform.

Electromechanical composting plant with aerobic cycle model KCE
with 3 / 5m³ loading hopper for transfer from collection vehicles

Daily treatment capacity

from 165 to 800 Kg

Annual treatment capacity

from 60 to 300 Tons

All our machines are INDUSTRY 4.0
All our products are present on the MEPA platform.

Electromechanical composting plant with aerobic cycle model KCE with hopper
load of 10m³ with vertical auger for transfer from large collection vehicles

Daily treatment capacity

from 800 to 2700 Kg

Annual treatment capacity

from 300 to 1000 Tons

All our machines are INDUSTRY 4.0
All our products are present on the MEPA platform.

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